Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Body Scanner Use Prompts Privacy Fears

Body Scanner Use Prompts Privacy Fears

Updated: Wednesday, 30 Dec 2009, 8:42 AM PST
Published : Tuesday, 29 Dec 2009, 10:22 PM PST

Posted by: Tony Spearman

Los Angeles - One of the devices that could have prevented last Friday's failed attack is a full body scanner, which can see if anyone is hiding explosives under their clothes.

By using the body scanners, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is hoping to detect non-metallic weapons such as plastic and liquid explosives that would not be found by metal detectors.

Metal detectors, which cost about $10,000, have been used in airports since 1973. The body scanners cost approximately $170,000.

The body scanners have raised concerns among privacy advocates.

"We're getting closer and closer to a required strip-search to board an airplane," Barry Steinhardt of the American Civil Liberties Union had told USA Today in 2008.

However, the TSA says the images don't reveal as much as people think. "We've struck a very good balance between security and privacy," TSA spokesman Christopher White said.

Others are also worried about exposure to radiation with the new machines, but the TSA says the scanners bounce harmless "millimeter waves" off passengers' bodies and use no radiation.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Giant Cheese Sculpture at Indiana Fair

Giant Cheese Sculpture at Indiana Fair

Updated: Thursday, 13 Aug 2009, 5:54 PM EDT
Published : Thursday, 13 Aug 2009, 5:26 PM EDT

MyFox National Reports

(MYFOX NATIONAL) - This year’s Indiana State Fair is featuring a milky masterpiece – a sculpture made entirely of cheese.

The work of art depicting a family shopping was carved out of two 640-pound blocks of cheddar, and also includes gouda, white cheddar, pepper jack and even string cheese.

The sculpture was commissioned by the American Dairy Association of Indiana.

Sarah Kaufmann spent five days inside a cooler creating the sculpture.

"I started this sculpture on Friday morning with the big 640-pound blocks in place already. … The rest of these pieces are all slabs that came out of the middle of the sculpture. I would say it's taken me about 75 hours to complete this project," Kaufmann says.

Life-Sized Cheese Santa Completed

Life-Sized Cheese Santa Completed

Santa Sculpted in 640 Pounds of Cheese

Updated: Friday, 18 Dec 2009, 10:19 AM EST
Published : Monday, 14 Dec 2009, 1:17 PM EST

MyFox National Reports

(MYFOX NATIONAL) - A Wisconsin grocery store celebrated a "dairy" Merry Christmas with a life-sized version of Santa. Artists used 640 pounds of mild cheddar cheese to sculpt a 5-foot 6-inch St. Nick.

Pick and Save, a Milwaukee grocery store, is displaying the cheesy sculpture of Santa Claus for the holidays. The Wisconsin Milk Board sponsored the event.

The leftovers from the carving were served as samples at the supermarket, according to WKOW-TV reports.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Jellyfish Sink 10-Ton Fishing Boat

Jellyfish Sink 10-Ton Fishing Boat

Updated: Monday, 02 Nov 2009, 11:52 AM PST
Published : Monday, 02 Nov 2009, 11:30 AM PST


(MYFOX NATIONAL) - A 10-ton fishing boat capsized after its crew attempted to haul in a net full of large jellyfish off the eastern coast of Japan.

The Telegraph reports that dozens of Nomura's jellyfish -- each of which can weigh up to 440 pounds and can grow up to 6 feet in diameter -- sunk the boat called the Diasan Shinsho-maru and sent the three crew members into the sea. They were rescued by another boat.

Experts told the Telegraph that weather and water conditions have been favorable toward the breeding of large numbers of jellyfish recently.

"The arrival is inevitable," Professor Shinichi Ue at Hiroshima University, told the Yomiuri newspaper . "A huge jellyfish typhoon will hit the country."

Nomura's jellyfish have been known to wreak havoc in Japanese waters. They destroy fishing nets, poison the fish caught in the nets rendering them unsaleable, sting humans and even disable nuclear power stations by blocking pumps used to cool the reactors.

In 2007 the Telegraph reports that there were 15,500 reports of damage caused to fishing equipment by jellyfish. Many fishermen have tried to keep jellyfish out of their nets by using sharp wires.

Caught on camera: naked love rival flees furious husband

Caught on camera: naked love rival flees furious husband
A naked man who climbed out of a window and hid on the ledge to escape his lover's furious husband has been caught on camera.

Published: 2:31PM GMT 31 Oct 2009
A naked man who climbed out of a window and hid on the ledge to escape his lover's furious husband has been caught on camera.
Love cheat Sun Meng has been given the cold shoulder by his community after pictures of him cowering naked on an air conditioner were posted online by a furious husband. Photo: CEN

Sun Meng has been given the cold shoulder by his community after the extraordinary picture of him cowering naked outside the flat were posted on the internet.

Photographs of the anrgy showdown, taken by a startled neighbour, were uploaded to a local community website.

They show Sun perched on the first floor ledge while his lover is confronted by her un-named husband inside.

"My family is ashamed and none of my own neighbours will talk to me any more," said Sun.

"I know what I did was wrong but I was afraid he would kill me.

"People are even laughing at how I look naked - but I have to point out it was a very cold day," he added.

Chengdu, capital of the Sichuan province in south-western China, has a population of about 11 million.

In 2003, the Chinese government relaxed its traditional hold over the private lives of its subjects by allowing them to marry without the permission of their bosses.

The government published three lengthy documents dealing with marriage laws and population control.

The terrified 25-year-old fled from the balcony window when he was caught in bed with the man's wife at the married couple's flat in Chengdu, central China.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

19th Anniversary of German Reunification: The Berlin Wall Fell

October 3 marks the 19th anniversary of the German reunification. On October 3, 1990, Tthe German Democratic Republic (East Gemrany) joined the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany), and the Deutsche Mark replaced the East German Mark as East Germany's official currency. The process was known as die Wende (the Turning Point). Most of us remember this as the time the Berlin Wall fell.

The newly-reunified Germany then formalized its eastern border with Poland as permanent, giving up any prior claims to the East Prussia region.

Celebrations have already started, including a street-theatre performance involving giant marionettes.

Earth Song - Micheal Jackson

Friday, September 4, 2009

Model to Be Caned For Drinking Beer

Updated: Thursday, 20 Aug 2009, 3:00 PM PDT
Published : Thursday, 20 Aug 2009, 1:54 PM PDT


(MYFOX NATIONAL) - A Muslim model has become the first woman sentenced to a caning after she admitted to drinking beer at a Malaysian resort.

According to the Telegraph , Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno, 32, who lives in Singapore with her husband and two children, has been sentenced to receive six lashes next week at a Malaysian women's prison. Kartika paid a fine of about $1,400 and declined to file an appeal, saying that she just wants to get matters over with.

"I accept the punishment," she said. "I am not afraid because I was ready to be punished from day one. [The authorities] hope to use my case as a way to educate Muslims. So go ahead. I want to move on with my life."

Kartika was arrested last July at a hotel nightclub in Cherating after the state's religious department conducted a raid. Even though alcohol is served at tourist bars and hotels, Muslims are prohibited from drinking alcohol.

"This is the first case in Malaysia. It is a good punishment because under Islamic law a person who drinks commits a serious offense," said prosecutor Saiful Idham Sahimi.

Women's groups are outraged at the caning decision. "Did she harm anyone with her drinking?" a writer named Mariam Mokhtar wrote in a letter to the New Straits Times newspaper . "Her crime is between her and her God. Let her receive her punishment when she eventually meets her Maker ... The worse crime is that we, and our society, allow and condone such terrible things to continue under the guise of 'protecting the religion.'"

Normally the kind of caning administered to serious offenders like rapists breaks skin and leaves permanent scars. But the Times reports that Kartika will be wearing clothing, and the caning is meant to embarass more than hurt her.

In 1994, American Michael Fay was sentenced to a caning in Singapore after he was convicted of theft and vandalism . His case attracted widespread media attention as Americans were largely unfamiliar with caning as a way of punishment.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Michael Jackson To Be Buried Thursday

Updated: Thursday, 03 Sep 2009, 10:29 AM PDT
Published : Thursday, 03 Sep 2009, 9:01 AM PDT

* Reporter: Phil Shuman
* Video from: Good Day LA
* Posted By: David Dain

Glendale ( - Michael Jackson will be laid to rest in a private ceremony at Forest Lawn in Glendale. Phil Shuman has a report from the cemetary.

Monday, August 24, 2009

If you haven't gone green, you hate babies. Join the cause at

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Indoor Skydiving Takes
Off at Universal

Updated: Tuesday, 04 Aug 2009, 9:48 AM PDT
Published : Tuesday, 04 Aug 2009, 9:40 AM PDT

Burbank ( - Hey did ever want to skydive but were too chicken to jump out of a perfectly good airplane? Well Suzanne Marques has found the perfect solution.

Suzanne is at Universal Studios, checking out "IFly" indoor skydiving attraction.

iFly Indoor Skydiving
Universal Studios Hollywood
100 Universal City Plaza
Universal City, CA 91608

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Roman from a mail

Roman, someone who is looking for a man to love and to be loved.
(from a mail)
Good day, my dear friend!

When falling in love, some lose their head, others lose their heart...
I am a kind tender person who enjoy her life and want to share this
love for life with someone special. I like to take care about people
I love and it brings me lots of pleasure. The most important thing in
my life is to find my only man and to be the happiest woman in the
world with him! I love all kinds of sports especially active once!
I am professionally engaged in art gymnastics! I like dancing, cooking,
listening to the good music, climbing mountains, swimming and having
rest at the seaside. I like to create comfort and cosiness in the house.
I am a tranquil, tender, romantic, serious, responsive, kind-hearted
and sociable person. A true relationship is a harmony of two souls and
bodies; it's the feeling of unity of two people. I am looking for a man,
who knows exactly what he wants and where he goes in life.

Smile at me http://----------
So long
Vik N.
Stop Smoking, use Champix - Entry for March 15, 2009
Stop Smoking, use Champix - Entry for March 15, 2009 magnify
Champix - anti-smoking pill will help you to stop smoking if you really want to do that. It was my first definitive decision to stop smoking, used Champix. I had tried sometime in the last few years, but so far without success. I have been trying to stop smoking once again and used Champix on March 9. 2009. Champix is expensive and costs as much as the cigarettes. The anti-smoking treatment with Champix takes 3 months. [March 16, 2009]

Yahoo!360 to 360 plus
Entry for February 14, 2009 - Snow in the street
Entry for February 14, 2009 - Snow in the street magnify
Entry for December 19, 2008
Entry for December 19, 2008 magnify
Shopping Center Kaufhof at the Munich Railway Center Station on a cold and wet winter day in December. It almost never snows in Christmas time.

Kaufhaus Karstadt am Hauptbahnhof München, Dezember 2008 [17:15)
Entry for December 19, 2008
Entry for December 19, 2008 magnify
Christmas is coming soon. It's wet and cold, no snow to find. Christmas without snow is only the half-joy.

Munich Center Railway Station, Dec. 2008
Weihnachten rückt nähe. Es ist nasskalt, kein Schnee in Sicht, Ich glaube wie schon öfter es kein White Christmas in diesem Jahr gibt.
No Youtube Clips seen on Yahoo Blog - October 05, 2008
Video Clips from Youtube at the moment cannot be seen (only white) here because Yahoo 360 might be updated...please follow the links or click on this line for more Info.

What we can do now: wait and drink...tea.
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Date Originated: Friday October 3, 2008 - 13:14:48
Video Clip Oktoberfest 2008 Munich Germany
link to youtube
Oktoberfest 2008
The Munich Oktoberfest September 27, 2008
The Munich Oktoberfest September 27, 2008 magnify
Every year in September millions of peoples stream over the Theresien Wiese-Oktoberfest in Munich. This Folk-Festival is not only for the German but also for all, who loves beer, bavarian traditional meals, cute Dirndln, Leder Hose and more...

Mỗi năm vào tháng chín hàng triệu người dổ về Theresien Wiese vui chơi Oktoberfest tại thành phố München. Ngày hội nầy không chỉ riêng cho người Đức mà cho tất cả những ai yêu thích bia, các thức ăn địa phương đặc biệt, phái nữ (Dirndl) trong trang phục cổ truyền Bayern xinh xắn, quần da và nhiều thứ nữa...
Dragon Fruit Picking August 31, 2008
Dragon Fruit Picking August 31, 2008 magnify

">Dragon Fruit Picking

We visited our grandparents in Westminster/ California USA the last summer vacation, August 2008. Grandpa had planted Dragonfruit/Pitaya in a small garden beside his house. We really enjoyed picking the fruits from their branches. What a delicious fruit! We have brought some of them back to Germany.

Wir haben unsere Großeltern in Westminster/Kalifornien im letzten Sommer Urlaub, August 2008 besucht. Opa hatte Drachenfrüchte im Garten gezüchtet. Das Pflücken hat uns großen Spaß gemacht und die Früchte haben uns gut geschmeckt. Die Großeltern haben uns ein paar Früchte als Geschenk mit nach Hause gegeben.

Mùa hè tháng tám 2008 vừa qua chúng tôi qua thăm ông bà ngoại ở Westminster/ California USA. Ông có trồng một giàn cây thanh long. Chúng tôi rất thích thú khi chính tay bẻ những trái nầy, ăn đã đời còn được ông bà ngoại cho đem về Đức nữa.

Video Clip in Youtube here:

Video Clip link:
Santa Monica Big Blue Bus, CA USA - August 10, 2008
Santa Monica Big Blue Bus, CA USA - August 10, 2008 magnify
Santa Monica is the next stop of our travel in California. Thanks brise of the Pacific Ocean the climate is very mild... (This picture taken from our car)
Munich, the "World City with Heart" July 30, 2008
Munich, the "World City with Heart" July 30, 2008 magnify
Maximilian's Communion . May 04, 2008
Maximilian's Communion . May 04, 2008 magnify
Buổi rước lễ lần đầu của Maximilian tại nhà thờ Ramersdorf, München, Germany.
The Holy Communion of Maximili
Entry for May 04, 2008
Entry for May 04, 2008 magnify
Buổi rước lễ lần đầu của Maximilian tại nhà thờ Ramersdorf, München, Germany.
04. Mai 2008 um 11:00AM

">Communion_In the Marien Garden_Video part 2
Entry for April 27, 2008
Entry for April 27, 2008 magnify

">Reflection-Shayan Italia

One impressive video clip:

Everyone has learned that life is hard. But it is also beautiful!

Try to love the time and space we are in, even its short sweet moments.

Open your heart wide to the sky and spread over the oceans.

Cuộc sống đầy nhọc nhằn, nhưng cuộc sống đẹp.

Hãy yêu đời, dù chỉ trong khoảnh khắc.

Mở cửa trái tim và rộng trải khắp đại dương.

Wildfire in California_Entry for October 27, 2007
Wildfire in California_Entry for October 27, 2007 magnify

The wildfire in California can be the outcome of the simply cataclysm or of the way of life.

I love this land and the people there. Can we reduce the natural catastrophe? And HOW?...

A droll creepy Halloween!

Al Gore_Entry for October 13, 2007
Al Gore_Entry for October 13, 2007 magnify
Al Gore, cựu phó tổng thống Mỹ, nhận nữa giải Nobel Hòa bình nhờ những nổ lực tuyên truyền về sự thay đổi khí hậu toàn cầu.
Ông có xứng đáng được trao giải nầy hay không với thành tích trong vài năm qua?
Hay một phần vì ông là một người Mỹ!? Ít ra đã gây sự chú ý cho tất cả người Mỹ thấy rằng: Hãy cùng nhau bảo vệ môi trường toàn cầu. (Cùng với nhiều người khác trên thế giới hàng chục năm qua đã và đang làm)
Entry for August 19, 2007
Today we have a video conference with Hoang's family in Norway, Grandparents and members CA.USA in 18.08.2007

Nhân dịp sinh nhật bà ngoại 72 tuổi và sinh nhật Tâm; Quận, Linh, Tâm và các cháu tổ chức sinh nhật tại Magnolia 99, Westminster, CA USA. Chúng tôi ở bên Đức và Norway chúc sinh nhật và tán gẩu với nhau qua webcam. Buổi nói chuyện hơi lộn xộn nhưng đầy thú vị.
Summer vacation in Jesolo Italy, August 04, 2007
Summer vacation in Jesolo Italy, August 04, 2007 magnify
My son Maximilian is playing on the beach of Jesolo, Italy
Summer vacation in Jesolo Italy, August 04, 2007
Summer vacation in Jesolo Italy, August 04, 2007 magnify
We had a very nice summer vacation in Jesolo Italien. The 6 km-long-pedestrian zone.
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